The information on this page is no longer updated.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Refer to the February 15, 2022 update.


There is a distinction between a meeting (e.g. service) and a recording session (production).

Service means that there is an audience (congregation). 

Here is the links for the manual which provides some basic guidelines from REQ that can be applied in the province of Quebec. As we receive more specifics for Quebec from our government, we will keep you informed.



Read our newsletter on the matter.

Here is the links for the manual which provides some basic guidelines that can be applied across the provinces. As we receive more specifics for Quebec from our government, we will keep you informed.



Read our newsletter on the matter.

Here are some questions and answers regarding the Annual Business Meeting

Do we need to have an Annual Business Meeting?

Yes – both the law and the constitution are clear that the church must have an Annual Business Meeting. Annual means Annual, and therefore, the meeting must be held before the end of the year.

Read our newsletter on the matter.

🌎 You’re itching to help your community but don’t know where to start?

Here are some ideas:
1. Some people are sewing masks for medical staff, are helping out at food banks, or are even grocery shopping for those who can’t get around.
2. Contact your city (e-mail). Their website may already have a press release on the subject.
3. The following link lists, by region and city, organizations looking for volunteers.

💡💡 Why not also use this opportunity to mobilize your assembly?


We are continuing to monitor the information regarding the government programs available to assist businesses (including Charities).

Here is the most recent information:

– Regarding Employment (Employees) –

There are currently two programs that could be interesting to the churches.

Here is a quick outline of what we know:

10% Temporary Wage Subsidy for Employers
10% of Federal tax portion of payroll

Churches can withhold 10% of the Federal tax portion of the regular Deductions At Source.

Here is a link for further information:

– Click link

CEWS – Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy
75 % of payroll

The application forms for this program will be available Monday, April 27.

The key things we’ve picked up are:

The program will provide a 75% wage subsidy to employers for up to 12 weeks going back to March 15.

The purpose of the program is:

  • To prevent job losses.
  • To rehire those laid off.
  • Allow companies to resume regular activity.

Who qualifies?

  • Those with 15% reduction of income in March 2020 compared to March 2019.
  • Those with 30% reduction of Income in April and May compared to the same months in 2019.


  • You must apply for the subsidy each month separately. (i.e. each month you must provide documentation of the 30% loss for that particular month).
  • The CRA will pay 75% of salaries, capped at $847 per week per employee. The employer must show they did their best to pay the other 25% (and if the employee makes more than $58,700 per year, presumably they are allowed to pay the full salary).
  • The government strongly recommends that anyone applying should also get set up with the CRA for direct deposit if they aren’t already, as that is the primary way they will be sending money to employers. This is something that you can do now.

Time Periods:

March 15 – April 11
April 12 – May 9
May 10 – June 6

  • If you qualify in one time period, you are deemed qualified for the next time period automatically.
  • There may be additional time periods added up until September 30.

Here is a link for further information:

– Click link

– Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) –

$40,000 loan 
This program would provide interest-free loans of up to $40,000.

Purpose of loan:

The loan is to help cover operating costs during a period where revenues have been temporarily reduced.

To qualify:

you will need to demonstrate that you paid at least $20,000 in total payroll in 2019 as well as meet the criteria for an approved Borrower.

There is some question on the eligibility of a religious organization in this program. Currently, the wording indicates that a “…charitable, religious…organization…” will need to provide evidence that it “…generates a portion of its revenue from the sales of goods or services…”

While there is no definition of what “a portion” is, in my opinion, churches will have to prove that there is revenue from sales or services of some kind.

The important part in considering this loan program is that an approved borrower that repays the balance of the loan on or before December 31, 2022, will result in loan forgiveness of 25 percent (up to $10,000).

How to apply:

You will need to contact your financial institution to apply for the loan.

– Click link to know more.

  • PREMIUM HOLIDAY – your premiums for Health, Dental & Vision (where applicable) will not be billed for the month of April, which represents approximately 70% of the cost of your program.
  • POOLED PREMIUMS – will only be billed for Life/Dependent Life/LTD – Long Term Disability/CI – Critical Illness, which ensures that we do not disrupt any payroll setting, as these premiums have taxable consequences.  These premiums represent approximately 30% of the cost of your program.

Read our newsletter on the matter.

These two will do tax receipts for you:


  • Square also offers both in person and online payments with credit and debit cards.

Look at:

Read our newsletter on the matter.

Reminder of copyright standards

We are aware that a number of churches have chosen to cancel services. Some of these will turn to video broadcasting online through various means.
We would like to remind you that it is a copyright violation to broadcast music performances if you do not have the performances rights (license) this includes your worship service. If you chose to broadcast the worship you MUST have the licensed rights to do so. Exceptions to this are for some of the older hymns where copyrights have expired due to age or song that you own people have written.

Read our newsletter on the matter.

February 15th, 2022

Government measures update:

Dear friends,

I am sure that many of you are rejoicing already!

Here is an update:

The Vaccine Passport is NOT REQUIRED in Places of Worship
Starting February 21
The government announced today that they are lifting the Vaccine Passport requirement for Places of Worship.

The key things to notice are:

  • As of February 21, 2022, attendance in Places of Worship moves to 50 % capacity (limit of 500 people); no vaccine is passport required.


  • As of February 28, 2022, no limit for attendance in Places of Worship; no vaccine passport is required.
(French only)

Please remember that other sanitary measures may still be required. Rejoice but be wise.


“This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.” (Hebrews 6:19 NLT)

February 9th, 2022

Government measures update:

Dear friends,

Many of you are preparing to open for in-person meetings this coming Sunday.

Here is an update / clarification that may be of assistance to you:

The passport is NOT REQUIRED for Employees OR Volunteers
The government has recently updated the web page regarding the use of the vaccine passport to include the following:

“The requirement to present the vaccine passport does not apply to workers, volunteers, suppliers, or service providers on site.”


Please bear in mind that a volunteer:

  • Must have a function – e.g. children’s worker, technician, musician, etc.
  • Must be in their function at the time they are in attendance.
    i.e. They must be performing the function while in attendance. When they are not performing the function, they are NOT considered to be a volunteer.

If you would like to see the timeline for the government de-regulation process, it can be found here:

(Currently in French Only)

Letter from the REQ
We appreciate the work of the REQ and La Table interreligieuse (Table).
These organizations are working tirelessly to represent our interests before the government.We want to share the following letter with you; written by the Table and sent to each Members of Parliament in Quebec on behalf of the 4500 places of worship they represent:

In our letter last week, we expressed our discomfort with the requirement for churches to implement the vaccine passport.

The REQ and the Table continue to dialogue with the government and would like to solicit your involvement.

The Ideal would be for each of our pastors to contact their Member of Parliament and vocally (i.e. by phone or in-person) point out that they are not comfortable with the passport requirement the government has imposed on churches.

Another method is to send a letter to each Member of Parliament.
To facilitate this, the REQ has given a template that pastors (churches) could use.

We invite you to download it, add your information, and send it.


“This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.” (Hebrews 6:19 NLT)

January 26, 2022

Government measures update:

Dear friends,

Yesterday the Quebec government announced the reopening of Places of Worship effective February 7th.

There are two main points to note:

  1. The maximum number of attendees is limited to 50% of the capacity and a maximum of 250. (i.e. a church that seats 100 is allowed a maximum of 50, a church that seats 500 or more is allowed a maximum of 250).
  2. The Vaccine Passport is required for those attending the services.

A number of you have been asking questions about the use of the vaccine passport in places of worship.

We ourselves have unanswered questions and are aware that information circulating seemingly offers answers to these questions. As you may know, we try to give only verifiable information, and this is difficult to do at this time.

Here are some of the more prevalent questions and our responses.

Is the passport required for Employees? What about volunteers?
There is no decisive answer to this question.

However, we have noted that in other places of employment (e.g. the SAQ, Restaurants, etc.), the employees are NOT required to produce the passport or proof of vaccination.

It is, therefore, our understanding that the passport cannot be enforced for employees.

The employer must remember that they are responsible for the safety of ALL employees. However, employers may need to make allowances for non-vaccinated employees or those who choose not to disclose their status to continue working in some capacity. If working from home is not feasible, other allowances may need to be made.

For the church, this may include allowing employees to participate in services while wearing a mask at all times and keeping a minimum distance from others.

Regarding volunteers, there is nothing at this time to conclude that all volunteers would be exempt from the use of the passport. However, the REQ and others are suggesting that small numbers of unvaccinated volunteers could be allowed to participate. However, I repeat, there is nothing in writing from the government or Public Sante to this effect.

Do children need a passport?
Information circulating gives varying ages from 12-14 for the use of the passport. The government website states that:

Vaccine passports allow people age 13 and up who are adequately protected or who have an exemption to be admitted to certain locations and certain activities.

People younger than 13 may continue to visit locations covered by the vaccine passport rules when permitted.

Places of Worship are included in this list.

Do we need to confirm the passport for repeat attendees, or can we keep a list?
There does not seem to be information on the required method of application.

It would seem to us that good judgement should prevail. Once a person has established that they have the passport, the person’s identity and the existence of their passport should be a matter of trust. We believe that lists could be used.


“This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.” (Hebrews 6:19 NLT)

December 30 and 31, 2021

Government measures update:

December 31, 2021

Hello friends,

If you have already read the email from yesterday, you will have noticed the last line:

Please be aware that this can change from one day to another
due to the mounting number of cases.

That was not intended to be prophetic. However, the cases have skyrocketed and are expected to top 16,000 new cases today!

The hospitalizations have quadrupled compared to the beginning of the month (from 227 to 939).

As a result, last night, the government announced the delayed opening of schools, a curfew, no private gatherings whatsoever, the closure of all restaurants, AND the closure of places of worship. This is effective TODAY.

We believe it is permissible for small groups (technical and worship) to use the church buildings to record and broadcast the services (emphasis on small).

Our faith is not shaken, hope is not lost, THE ANCHOR HOLDS!

When those around us are shaken – we can be light, salt, and hope. We have the means and the great opportunity to spread the gospel in turbulent times.


“This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.” (Hebrews 6:19 NLT)

December 30, 2021

Dear friends,

A number of you have been asking questions about the use of the vaccine passport in places of worship.

We ourselves have unanswered questions and are aware that information circulating seemingly offers answers to these questions.

As you may know, we insist that the answers we give are clear and verified in writing. This does not seem to be the case at present.

Here are some of the more prevalent questions and our responses.

Do children need a passport?

Information circulating gives varying ages from 12-14 for the use of the passport. The government website states that:

Vaccine passports allow people age 13 and up who are adequately protected or who have an exemption to be admitted to certain locations and certain activities.

People younger than 13 may continue to visit locations covered by the vaccine passport rules when permitted.

Places of Worship are included in this list.

Do we need to confirm the passport for repeat attendees, or can we keep a list?

There does not seem to be information on the required method of application.

It would seem to us that good judgement should prevail. Once a person has established that they have the passport, the person’s identity and the existence of their passport should be a matter of trust. We believe that lists could be used.

Is the passport required for Employees? What about volunteers?

There is a suggestion that employees are NOT required to produce the passport or proof of vaccination. Some have pointed to the CNESST for this. There is nothing conclusive about this on the CNESST website or the government’s website.
However, there is some reason to believe that the passport cannot be enforced for employees.
This question is, however, unanswered.

Regarding volunteers, there is nothing at this time to suggest that they would be exempt from the use of the passport.

Once again, we are providing the information that is verifiable and distributed by the government. Please be aware that this can change from one day to another due to the mounting number of cases.


“This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.” (Hebrews 6:19 NLT)

December 20, 2021

Government measures update

Dear friends,

As you might imagine, there have been some questions following last night’s announcements. Premier Legault noted that the COVID cases in Quebec (as elsewhere) are increasing rapidly and that there is no choice but to take immediate action.

Here is the short version,
The following measures will take effect on December 20th:

Vaccine Passport 
1)    Places of worship are required to use the Vaccine Passport.
 Meaning all in attendance must be vaccinated and have the QR code proof of vaccination. (All means all – pastor, staff, volunteers, attendees, etc.)
 See below for further information.

50% capacity 
2)    Places of worship are reduced to 50% capacity or a maximum of 250 people.
For example. Churches that can seat 100 are limited to a maximum of 50 provided distancing can be respected. Churches of 1000 are limited to 250.

3)    People must remain seated.

We suggest that wisdom and caution prevail.
There is nothing in the mandate about singing. However, from the previous orders, we know that masks must be worn at all times. If singing is allowed, it should be soft and with masks on.

These directives are in French only at this time on the government website:

The vaccine passport

Anyone with a smartphone can download the VaxiCode Verify app to validate the QR code that people must present. It is easy to download and use.

Of course, you must also verify the identity of the person. This is simple enough if those at the door know the congregation. Visitors should be asked to present a valid Québec ID (driver’s license or Medicare card)


It is the responsibility of the church (i.e. Pastor, board, etc.) to see that the law is obeyed and that the church is in compliance with the government’s COVID protocols.

We understand that not everyone will be happy with these measures. However, let me note that the government is NOT unduly targeting churches or our freedom to worship. Businesses, bars, and restaurants are all being asked to follow new protocols and our family gatherings will be limited. The NHL was shut down last night, even before the new protocols.

We have done well this far – let’s honour and pray for those in authority who are trying to ensure the population’s safety.

Give to everyone what you owe them:
Pay your taxes and government fees to those who collect them, and give respect and honour to those who are in authority.

Romans 13:7


“This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.” (Hebrews 6:19 NLT)

October 13, 2021

Health rules in place

Dear friends,

Every type of meeting and every location now has restrictions and it is not always easy to know if we should follow the restrictions for the type of meeting or the location or both.

Let me give you some information that applies to meetings that relate to churches.

(This information comes directly from the government website)

“This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.” (Hebrews 6:19 NLT)


Meaning Worship services in the church building.
  • Maximum 250 people inside and 500 people outside. If the place of worship occupies an entire building, the limit applies to the building.
  • The measures for funerals and weddings also apply to places of worship where these ceremonies are held.
  • A distance of at least 1 metre must be maintained between people if they are not talking or if they are talking quietly, and 2 metres if they are talking or singing, even when they stay in their seat and do not move about, unless they are from the same private home or the equivalent.
  • A procedure mask or face covering must be worn. The procedure mask or face covering can be taken off when the person is in their seat, is silent or speaks only in a low voice.
  • Vaccination passports are not necessary to attend places of worship, unless the activity taking place there requires a passport. For example, the passport is required if the venue is rented for a performance. See the list of activities requiring a vaccination passport.
(e.g. retreats and other gatherings)
Private events and social activities

Outdoor public settings

  • Maximum 50 people, regardless of the outdoor public space. Physical distancing must be respected.

Rented halls or indoor public settings

  • Maximum 25 people, regardless of the location of the venue or outdoor public space. Physical distancing must be respected and the wearing of face coverings is mandatory.

Depending on the facility in which the rented venue is located, the vaccination passport may be required. It would be required for an activity taking place in a private room of a restaurant, for example. For a list of all locations and activities requiring a vaccination passport, see the Places and activities requiring the COVID-19 vaccination passport page.

(e.g. People from various regions or who are not usually together) 

Meetings, conventions, ceremonies, shows and exhibitions

La première semble s’appliquer à des personnes
provenant de diverses régions ou qui ne sera

Réunions, congrès, cérémonies, salons et expositions

  • Starting from October 8, 2021, the number of participants at conventions and conferences at which vaccine passports are already required will no longer be limited.
  • Vaccine passports will be required starting from October 8, 2021 for indoor meetings and ceremonies with more than 250 attendees. Masks must be worn at all times, except when drinking or eating.  Participants must remain one metre apart at events attended by fewer than 250 people that would not require a vaccine passport and masks can be removed when they are seated. Outdoors, vaccine passports will be required when there are more than 500 people present. 
  • Since September 1, 2021, the vaccination passport has been required for people wishing to attend conventions and conferences. For a list of all locations and activities requiring a vaccination passport, see the Places and activities requiring the COVID-19 vaccination passport page.
  • Meetings, conventions and recognition or graduation ceremonies are authorized, with a maximum of 250 participants inside and 500 participants outside. Participants must remain seated.
  • Vaccination passports are not necessary for meetings or recognition or graduation ceremonies unless they are held in a location that requires vaccination passports, such as a restaurant, bar, microbrewery, distillery, botanical garden, or recreation centre. For a list of all locations and activities requiring a vaccination passport, see the Places and activities requiring the COVID-19 vaccination passport page.
  • Shows authorized in rented venues (hotels, etc.) with the application of the public health rules in effect for shopping malls. Depending on the facility in which the rented venue is located, the vaccination passport may be required. Exhibitors must follow the public health rules in effect for retail stores.
  • A maximum of 250 people may attend a funeral if it is held indoors. If it is held outdoors, the maximum is 500. In either case, attendees must remain seated. This limit excludes funeral home workers and volunteers inside or outside the funeral home.
  • During the viewing of the body or ashes of the deceased, as well as during the expression of condolences to the next of kin, it is permitted to have 50 people at the same time inside the premises. However, if it is held in a home or on private property, a maximum of 10 people or the occupants of three residences may be inside. Outside, a maximum of 20 people or the occupants of three residences may gather.
  • An attendance register must be kept and a mask or face covering must be worn inside. Face coverings or masks can be removed when people are seated. Distancing between people who do not reside at the same address must be respected.
  • The vaccination passport is not required for funeral ceremonies or receptions. However, it may be required if the reception is held in a location that requires a vaccination passport, such as a restaurant. For a list of all locations and activities requiring a vaccination passport, see the Places and activities requiring the COVID-19 vaccination passport page.
  • During the ceremony, a maximum of 250 people are allowed inside. If the ceremony is held outdoors, a maximum of 500 may attend. In all cases, people must remain seated. These limits do not include celebrants or ministers in or outside the building.
  • Attendance records must be kept and masks or face coverings must be worn inside. Face coverings or masks may be removed when people are seated. Physical distancing must also be maintained between people from different residences.
  • The reception or banquet following the wedding ceremony is limited to 25 people indoors and 50 people outdoors, regardless of location. However, receptions held in private homes or on private property must follow the rules for those locations. Indoors, the maximum number of guests is 10 or the occupants of three residences. Outside, the maximum is 20 people or the occupants of three residences.
  • If alcohol is served, dancing is not permitted.
  • Vaccination passports are not required for wedding ceremonies or receptions that follow. However, they may be necessary if the ceremony or reception is in a location that requires vaccination passports, such as a restaurant, distillery, microbrewery, casino, botanical garden, or on a cruise. For a list of all locations and activities requiring a vaccination passport, see the Places and activities requiring the COVID-19 Vaccination Passport page.

For preschoolers and elementary : please go see Back-to-school 2021-2022 – Covid-19 page.

Instructions for childcare facilities

Childcare facilities must follow these hygiene instructions:

  • Distance of 2 metres between adults (between the educators themselves and between the educators and parents) and between adults and the children
  • No distancing measures for children of the same group or for children and educators of the same group (maximum of 10 children)
  • For tasks where it is necessary to be less than 2 metres from the children or other adults for more than 15 cumulative minutes per day, the educator or any other staff member must wear a medical procedure mask and eye protection (protective glasses or a visor)
  • The mechanical ventilation system must be operating when possible or the windows must be open for at least 15 minutes three times a day (ideally in the morning, at noon and at end of day)
  • Go see family-and-support-for-individuals/services-de-garde-educatifs-a-lenfance-dans-le-contexte-de-la-covid-19 page.

August 31, 2021

Reminder: Health rules in place

Dear friends,

As we enter the fall season and are experiencing a fourth wave of COVID, we thought it might be a good idea to send a reminder of the precautions in place for churches.

“This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.” (Hebrews 6:19 NLT)


  • Hand hygiene upon entrance, wearing a mask
  • and a distance of two meters when moving around.
  • Once seated, distance of two meters between people of different addresses or one meter if not singing and speaking in a low voice.
  • The mask can be removed if the seated people remain silent or whisper.
  • It is recommended to avoid moving around during the services.
  • All the sanitary rules to follow can be found here : HEALTH RULES
  • 250 people inside, 500 people outside
  • Vaccination passport is not required
  • 250 people inside, 500 people outside
  • Vaccination passport is not required
  • Mandatory registry needs to be kept
  • Receptions following religious ceremonies for weddings and funerals are limited to 25 people when held indoors and 50 when held outdoors.
  • Choirs are permitted in places of worship.
  • The members must respect a distance of 2 meters between them and if they sing in front of an audience, the distance must be greater than 2 meters.
  • Distance of TWO meters between people of different addresses when singing or speaking loudly, and they must wear the mask.
  • When a concert is held in a place of worship, the rules in effect for theaters apply.  Vaccination passports are required.
  • The rules for museums apply. Vaccine passports are not required.
  • The rules in effect for community organizations apply. People must wear a mask and respect physical distance. The mask can be removed once people are seated.
  • Workshops and support group meetings (e.g., Alcoholics Anonymous) are permitted to be held with a maximum of 250 participants, provided that all remain seated with a distance of one free seat between individuals. The number of people should be adjusted according to the capacity of the room to allow for proper distancing.
  • Indoor and outdoor recreational and sports activities must follow the guidelines for this type of activity.
  • Places of worship are permitted to rent space to individuals or third party organizations. The sanitary rules to be applied vary according to the activity that will take place.
  • For a community gathering: Individuals must wear a mask and maintain physical distance. The mask can be removed once people are seated. Workshops and support group meetings (e.g., Alcoholics Anonymous) are permitted to be held with a maximum of 250 participants, provided that all remain seated and that there is a one-seat distance between individuals. Indoor and outdoor recreational and sporting activities must follow the guidelines for this type of activity.
  • Private activities or events of a social nature in a rented space or indoor public place: Maximum of 25 people. Physical distance must be respected and a face mask is mandatory.

June 16, 2021

Deconfinement – A few changes

Dear friends,

As we continue to see the case numbers of the COVID 19 decrease, we become increasingly excited as the deconfinement continues.
This week Montreal and Quebec City will become yellow zones, and many areas will become green!

Let me remind you of what measures remain in effect in these zones for Places of Worship.


Maximum number 250 participants

Distancing and Masks:
A distance of at least two metres is maintained between people, even when they stay in their seat and do not move about, unless they are from the same private home or the equivalent.
A procedure mask or face covering must be worn. The procedure mask or face covering can be taken off when the person is in their seat, is silent or speaks only in a low voice.

The rules still apply that singing can only take place from the front (stage) and the singer must use a microphone and be distance from the audience.

Weddings and Funerals
All of the above apply but the number is limited to 50

The vaccine

As the vaccine continues to roll out, we hope to see the measures continue to lift. I understand that some people are suspicious of or even opposed to the vaccine. For those who choose to use our faith as a reason for such fear, I ask that you consider what it means to be good citizens working for the welfare of all.
In the past, as a society, we have defeated many diseases such as Polio, Tetanus, Smallpox, Measles, and many more (you most likely have a record book of the vaccines you have had). Vaccines are not new, nor is the collective effort to defeat sickness and disease.

We look forward to a great day when “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” (Rev. 21:4). In the short term, we work together to defeat the illnesses we can as God gives wisdom and knowledge to those working in the field of health. Remember, we have an anchor for our souls and the deposit of the Holy Spirit assuring us that that great day will come.


“This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.” (Hebrews 6:19 NLT)


April 7, 2021

New changes – Third wave alert

Dear friends,

With the increase of variants and fear of the third wave, NEW CHANGES are in place.

In short, Churches in the Red Zone will go back to a maximum of 25 and in the Orange Zone 100.
Weddings and funerals remain limited to 25 in both zones.

  • Summary of measures (French only): CLICK HERE
  • The following page (French only) shows the changes: CLICK HERE
  • Special Measures remain in effect for some regions. CLICK HERE
  • Please consult the government web site for the measures that affect your area (Area map). CLICK HERE
  • Measures by zone: CLICK HERE


“This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.” (Hebrews 6:19 NLT)


March 26, 2021

Good News!

The Chair of the REQ has just informed us of these new changes.
We are thankful and want to acknowledge all the work
they are doing on our behalf.


“This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.” (Hebrews 6:19 NLT)



Dear friends,

This morning, the government published an important decree that considerably changes the sanitary measures affecting places of worship. Here are the main points.


As of March 26, places of worship are allowed to accommodate up to 250 people.

The respect of the 2 m distance between people can undoubtedly make this limit less for a particular place of worship.

This limit does not apply to each room in the place of worship, but to the entire place of worship. This is a compromise that is required of us under the circumstances.

Activities that take place in places of worship that are not worship activities will have to be managed according to the rules that apply to community organizations. Group activities that are a direct service to the population (classes, support groups, sharing groups, catechesis, etc.) are possible, but limited to 25 people per group and per room.


  • There is no indication about the type of mask to use.
  • The mask must be worn at all times, except when people are in their seats, in silence, or speaking in low voices.
  • Choral singing and congregational singing are still prohibited.
  • It is possible to have one or two people singing, more than 2 m from the congregation, with microphone.
  • The congregation does not move for communion or any other ritual: the ministers move.
  • For weddings and funerals, the limit is 50 people. I remind you that Public Health asks us that for all religious services taking place in a place of worship similar to weddings or funerals, that is to say, which concerns only one family (for example, baptisms for Christians), it is requested to respect the same limit as for weddings and funerals.
  • For weddings and funerals, the keeping of a register is mandatory.


  • Curfew from 9:30 p.m. to 5 a.m.
  • The mask used must be a procedure mask.
  • The mask must be worn at all times except when consuming communion.
  • Choral singing and congregational singing are still prohibited.
  • It is possible to have one or two people singing, more than 2 m from the congregation, with a microphone.
  • The congregation does not move for communion or any other ritual: the ministers move.
  • For weddings and funerals, the limit is 25 people. I remind you that Public Health asks us that for all religious services taking place in a place of worship similar to weddings or funerals, that is to say, which concerns only one family (for example, baptisms for Christians), it is requested to respect the same limit as for weddings and funerals.
  • For weddings and funerals, keeping a register is mandatory.

It is important to increase our efforts to ensure that our activities in the places of worship follow the sanitary rules scrupulously: a member of the Table informed me this morning that there was an outbreak of Covid-19 in a place of worship of his group. No one should blame us for not following sanitation rules or putting the health of our people at risk.

Upload the publication

February 8, 2021

Zones: Orange / Red — Rooms or Buildings?

Dear friends,

As we move into this new phase of precautions, things will stay the same for most churches. However, if you are in an Orange area, places of worship may now up to 25 people.

Due to a recent court ruling, churches may now have 10 people per room in red zones (25 in Orange) if the room has direct access to the outside.


There is a distinction between a meeting (e.g. service) and a recording session (production).

Service means that there is an audience (congregation). 

Do the 10 (25) people include the Sunday morning service, production team? 

No, the total of 10 (25) persons is for attendance only. Be wise in the number of volunteers, as the spirit of this permission is to have the minimum number possible.

Do masks need to be worn?

YES. The regulations for masks and distancing have NOT changed.

Is singing permitted?

No, as stated in the last ministerial decree, singing is prohibited.

Can people on the stage sing?

Only one (1) person may sing on the stage according to the protocol of Sept. 8. This was accepted and confirmed in the first letter from Dr. Horacio Arruda.

Recording (production) means no audience – only the “performers” (worship team and pastor) and technicians are present.

Is it permitted to sing during a recording?

If there is no audience in the room, it is permitted to produce a recording (just like a studio) and to allow the people involved in the recording to sing.

The ministerial order is attached. You can also find it on this web page:

Click here to link to pdf


“This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.” (Hebrews 6:19 NLT)


Yesterday the government announced some changes that affect places of worship

Hello dear friends,

Yesterday the government announced some changes that affect places of worship. The primary change is that places of worship may now open with a limit of 10 people.

Some questions have arisen regarding this announcement and the restrictions.

Can churches have 10 people per room if the room has direct access to the outside?
No, currently, the permitted total of 10 people is for the entire place of worship.

Does the 10 people include the Sunday morning service production team? 
No, the total of 10 persons is for the attendance only. Be wise in the number of volunteers, as the spirit of this permission is to have the minimum number possible.

Are marriages allowed to be performed?
The limit of 10 people allows you to celebrate a marriage while respecting the sanitary measures.

Is singing permitted?
No, as stated in the last ministerial decree, singing is prohibited.

Can people on the stage sing?
Only one (1) person may sing on the stage according to the protocol of Sept. 8. This was accepted and confirmed in the first letter from Dr. Horacio Arruda.

Is it permitted to sing during a recording?
If there is no audience in the room, it is permitted to produce a recording (just like a studio) and to allow the people involved in the recording to sing.

The ministerial order is attached. You can also find it on this web page:

Click here to link to pdf


“This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.” (Hebrews 6:19 NLT)


January 22nd, 2021

Yesterday the government announced some changes that affect places of worship

Hello dear friends,

Yesterday the government announced some changes that affect places of worship. The primary change is that places of worship may now open with a limit of 10 people.

Some questions have arisen regarding this announcement and the restrictions.

Can churches have 10 people per room if the room has direct access to the outside?
No, currently, the permitted total of 10 people is for the entire place of worship.

Does the 10 people include the Sunday morning service production team? 
No, the total of 10 persons is for the attendance only. Be wise in the number of volunteers, as the spirit of this permission is to have the minimum number possible.

Are marriages allowed to be performed?
The limit of 10 people allows you to celebrate a marriage while respecting the sanitary measures.

Is singing permitted?
No, as stated in the last ministerial decree, singing is prohibited.

Can people on the stage sing?
Only one (1) person may sing on the stage according to the protocol of Sept. 8. This was accepted and confirmed in the first letter from Dr. Horacio Arruda.

Is it permitted to sing during a recording?
If there is no audience in the room, it is permitted to produce a recording (just like a studio) and to allow the people involved in the recording to sing.

The ministerial order is attached. You can also find it on this web page:

Click here to link to pdf


“This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.” (Hebrews 6:19 NLT)


January 16th, 2021

We (via the interconfessional committee) have had an “INTERIM” response from Dr. Arruda

Dear friends,

We (via the interconfessional committee) have had an “INTERIM” response from Dr. Arruda.

In the attached letter (which you may use), he has committed to working with the government to allow some loosening of the restrictions in the coming days. For example, allowing 10 people to meet for worship. HOWEVER, these are NOT yet approved.

HOWEVER, he has noted the following exceptions that ARE currently in place:

  • Funerals – with a maximum of 25 people and strict regulations.
  • Marriages – only at the palais de justice
  • Meetings in a private residence – Prohibited.

However, there is an exception for pastors:

“An exception is, however, provided (under the curfew) to authorize, in addition to the occupants, the presence of a person of worship in a residence in order to accompany a person at the end of his or her life, and this, at any time of the day or night.”

  • Production:

“It is currently possible and even encouraged. The public may not, however, attend an indoor audiovisual production or filming (Decree 1020-2020 of September 30). The applicable safety rules (Commission des normes, de l’équité et de la santé et sécurité au travail) must be rigorously implemented for the technical team as well as for the “Preachers/hosts”. The number of people present for the capture must be limited to the strict minimum required, preferably less than 10 people. However, the curfew must be respected (as the broadcast can be delayed).”

For clarity – what we are saying is that churches MAY use their buildings for the purpose of recording/streaming provided the guidelines above are followed.

We recommend:

  1. Communicating with the local police to inform them of your intentions.
  2. Having a copy of the letter on hand should the police drop in to see why you are there.

We are including a copy of the letter from Dr. Arruda with the important portions highlighted for you. This is in French only. Click for the PDF link


“This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.” (Hebrews 6:19 NLT)


January 8th, 2021

Clarity to record/live stream from buildings

Dear friends,

After the announcement, Wednesday, many of you have contacted us asking if churches could record/live stream from their buildings.

As I mentioned to several of you, the REQ (of which we are part) has been actively working to have clarity from the government.

However, at this time, we still do not have an official reply from the government. Recognizing the urgency of the situation (this being Friday and Sunday is coming), we are writing to give you the following information:

In the past, the government had agreed that churches could produce/record/stream worship services from the church building.

Furthermore, Santé Publique du Québec has indicated to the REQ that the same regulation that applies to “filming for performance artists” would also apply to churches.

(See: )

Therefore, we understand that it MAY be possible for churches to use their buildings to record/ stream with musicians, technicians, etc., as long as they respect the regulations, and it doesn’t look like a gathering.

However, we STRONGLY ADVISE that you contact your local police requesting clarity and citing the above exception for the performing arts.

We will keep you informed of any confirmation or changes that may come from the government officials.


“This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.” (Hebrews 6:19 NLT)


January 7th, 2021


Dear friends,

As you know, the COVID numbers have reached an unprecedented high in our province. There are currently close to 1,400 people in the hospital with COVID. The total number of infections since the beginning of the pandemic has exceeded 218,000, and over 8,500 people have died in Quebec, including 270 in the last week alone.
(Source: )

Yesterday Premiere Legault announced what amounts to an almost total closure of the province.

This closure APPLIES TO CHURCHES. Churches are to be closed for the next four weeks. This closure applies to all services and includes the church offices. At this time, we see NO EXCEPTION to the order. Therefore, we recommend that churches do NOT attempt to record worship services or live streaming from within their buildings.

We note that these things are not explicitly mentioned. However, we feel that the intent of the order is clear.

The only exception noted is for funerals. Funeral services are permitted with a maximum of 10 people present.

While the actual order is not yet published, the information is on this page:

We urge each of you to follow the restrictions that are in place.

We understand that this is difficult for many and while today may seem dark, remember the light of our Lord still shines! Let’s find ways to be that light even in these difficult times.

Remember – The anchor holds!


“This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.” (Hebrews 6:19 NLT)


November 4th, 2020

Here are some questions and answers regarding the
Annual Business Meeting

Do we need to have an Annual Business Meeting?

Yes – both the law and the constitution are clear that the church must have an Annual Business Meeting. Annual means Annual, and therefore, the meeting must be held before the end of the year.

How can we do this?

During these exceptional times, several methods can be used to hold a business meeting. Some ideas are in person, online, behind the wheel, etc. or in any combination of methods. Zoom seems to be one of the most popular.

Most constitutions do not refer to methods other than the in-person meeting. However, the government has made it clear (order number 2020-029) that we are in unprecedented times, and the meeting may be held via other means.

A link that may provide some additional information is:
Remote Meetings Are Temporarily Authorized In Quebec

  Here is a brief excerpt:

  • … the order temporarily allows any in-person meeting, session or assembly (a “meeting”) to be held by any means that enables all participants to communicate directly with one another.
    Meetings held by corporations governed by the Quebec Business Corporations Act (the “QBCA”), non-profit legal persons constituted under Part III of the Companies Act (the “Companies Act”) and cooperatives constituted under the Cooperatives Act or any other specific incorporating law (collectively, the “Laws Governing Cooperatives”) are considered a meeting pursuant to the Order.

Do we need a Quorum?

Yes, you must fulfill the requirements of your constitution for the quorum and the members must be “present.”

Furthermore, the meeting must be properly announced by some acceptable means (email to all members, announced during the Sunday meetings, etc.)

Can we have pre-meeting or proxy voting?

Churches have asked about mailing ballots, proxy voting, or other voting methods either as part of or prior to the meeting.

The short answer is that the standard constitution does NOT allow for any of this. When minimum numbers are required, the constitution uses the phrase: “the members present and voting at the meeting.” This makes it very clear that the members must somehow be present, and the vote must take place at the meeting.

What do we need to cover?

My suggestion is to pass three resolutions at the meeting:

  1. Accept the meeting method you have chosen to be official. (i.e. we accept this meeting as our official annual meeting)
  2. Accept the financial report. (this could be presented during the meeting or even sent out ahead of time)
  3. If board members are at the end of their term, you need to do something. I suggest a resolution to accept that the Board of Directors continues to function as is until the 2021 meeting, notwithstanding constitutional requirements to the contrary.

The less business, the better, and if you can avoid voting for board members, that would be good.

I trust that you will hold tight to our Savior during these interesting times. – The anchor holds! Hebrews 6.


September 30th, 2020

GOOD NEWS, the government has updated the numbers for churches

Dear friends,

The government has updated the numbers for churches in the Green, Yellow, and Orange zones to 250 people max. This does NOT apply to the Red zones.

Here is the French excerpt:

Activités organisées dans un lieu public

Selon le niveau d’alerte en vigueur dans votre région, les activités organisées dans un lieu public (salles louées, événements festifs, mariages, célébrations professionnelles ou scolaires, etc.) sont permises à condition de respecter les mesures suivantes :

  • Pour les régions ou les territoires qui sont au Palier 1 – Vigilance (vert) ou au Palier 2 – Préalerte (jaune), les activités doivent se limiter à un maximum de 50 personnes à l’intérieur et 250 personnes à l’extérieur. Pour les lieux de culte, le maximum autorisé est de 250 personnes.
  • Pour les régions ou les territoires qui sont au Palier 3 – Alerte (orange), les activités doivent se limiter à un maximum de 25 personnes à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur. Pour les lieux de culte, le maximum autorisé est de 250 personnes.

Here is the link:
This is NOT yet reflected on the English site as of this time.

For a complete list of restrictions, see:

For a map of the areas:

I trust that you will hold tight to our Savior during these interesting times. – The anchor holds! Hebrews 6.


September 21st, 2020

A maximum of 50 people throughout the province

Hi Friends,

Please be advised that yesterday September 20, 2020, the Quebec government issued a new order in regards to the Pandemic.

This new order restricts places of worship to a maximum of 50 people throughout the province.

However, please note that as indicated in our earlier email – those areas that are at level 3 or above (orange or red) have further restrictions.

I trust that you will hold tight to our Savior during these interesting times. – The anchor holds! Hebrews 6.


September 3rd, 2020

Answers to several questions regarding the change to the law for places of worship

We have had several questions regarding the change to the law concerning places of worship. Let me try to clarify it for you.

Hi Friends,

On August 26, the Health Minister passed an amendment to the original law regarding the wearing of masks (July 15).

This amendment allows:

  • Seating of 1.5 meters rather than 2
  • The people may remove the masks when seated.
  • The pastor (or volunteer) may remove the mask to speak etc. provided they are at least 2 meters from the people.

Some of you have enquired, asking does this now allow us to sing?
Well, the short answer is that, to our knowledge, no law was written that prohibited singing. However, it was strongly recommended that churches do not have congregational singing. This has not changed.

The idea is that singing is the equivalent to coughing in regards to the spread of the virus. So we should exercise caution.
In my opinion, it would be best if the congregation was NOT encouraged to sing. However, I see no issue with the worship team singing (without masks but spaced from each other and the congregation). If the congregation chooses to join in, they should do so softly with masks on.

For your reading pleasure… here are the links to the amended law:

The main page is the same, and the laws are at the bottom.

The amended law in acted August 26:


I trust that you will hold tight to our Savior during these interesting times. – The anchor holds! Hebrews 6.


August 5th, 2020

Clarifications on latest news from Quebec Government

“250 people and less for indoor public places”

It does NOT mean you can have 250 in church
The new ruling stipulates up to 250. This does NOT replace the previous rule that people must be spaced 2 meters apart.

We calculate that, on average, the 2-meter spacing limits churches to about 15% of the “normal” capacity. Meaning that a church that could regularly seat 200 could now seat approximately 30 when spaced in 2-meter bubbles.

This number may vary depending on the allowance for those in the same household to sit together. Each church should do its own seating plan and calculate its maximum number. Regarding the spacing, it is unclear if it should be 2 meters or 1.5 meters when seated. There is no clarity on this when it comes to churches. However, it would seem that the idea behind the differences has to do with seating. – in most cases, two chairs between people and one empty row are acceptable. The actual distance, in this case, would be slightly less than 2 meters.

Masks must be worn at all times
Regardless of the number that the church can hold, the law regarding masks still applies. In churches, there is NO exception for the removal of masks when seated. — Meaning that masks must be worn by all, at all times, including when they are seated.
The exception that masks may be removed once seated does NOT apply to churches.

Technically there has been nothing that we find written into law about singing. The health minister has made comments in previous weeks that there should NOT be singing. However, we have not seen this written into law. Furthermore, in recent press conferences, he has indicated that those who are singing (at the front) should be far from the audience.
So are we to interpret that singing is allowed? We do not have complete answers, and the government has not released specific written instructions for churches.

Are those speaking and leading required to keep masks on?
It would seem that the law is ambiguous. However, a portion of the law states that masks may be removed if required for the exercising of your profession. We would suggest that when preaching, leading, singing etc. it is required that people see your lips, and therefore you need to remove the mask to exercise your profession.

We continue to recommend that you consult with local officials to see how they interpret the rules. Personally, I recommend telling them (rather than asking) how you are interpreting the rules and asking if they have a problem with your interpretation.
Be sure to get the name of the official you speak with.

I trust that you will hold tight to our Savior during these interesting times. – The anchor holds! Hebrews 6.


July 24th, 2020


We feel that it is necessary to communicate the details of the law that was put into place last week.

To this end, you will find the actual law attached. We apologize that this is in French only. Click link : décret numéro 810-2020

The important thing to point out is that, regardless of what you may hear in the media, etc., this law makes two statements regarding places of worship “lieu de culte.”

  1. Places of worship “lieu de culte” ARE considered by this law to be a public place. (Point 2c)
  2. While there is an exception that once seated and distanced from other people, the mask may be removed; this exception specifically does NOT apply to places of worship. (Point 9)

While we have no clarification or interpretation of this law it would seem that in places of worship, a mask must be worn by ALL and cannot be removed by anyone. Seemingly this would apply to those leading the services as well as those attending.

Once again we recommend that if you intend on holding on site services at this time, you should check with your local municipality and police as to how they intend to interpret and apply this law.

I trust that you will hold tight to our Savior during these interesting times. – The anchor holds! Hebrews 6.


July 3rd, 2020

50 people and less for indoor public places?

Dear friends as the Government is now allowing gatherings of up to 50 people inside, some churches are considering reopening.

We are therefore resending the PAOC basic Manual (see link below) and including the following directives / advises for you.
The Government has not “officially” released a list of directives for churches, however, the list below comes from various news sources and press releases.

I trust that you will hold tight to our Savior during these interesting times. – The anchor holds! Hebrews 6.


Layout of the place of worship

Post a notice at the entrances to the place of worship indicating the maximum capacity, access conditions and health rules in force.

The maximum capacity is NOT 50 rather the number of people that can be seated while remaining properly distanced. This number may be up to a maximum of 50 depending on the number the local can accommodate. For example a church that formerly could accommodate 200 people could now possibly seat only 30 people while distanced.

The Entrance and Exit should be separate doors – allowing for a “one way” flow of traffic.

Make sure that the place of worship is well cleaned between each use and is properly ventilated.

  • Cleaning. Refer to INSPQ cleaning procedures: Surface cleaning
    The cleaning products to be used are those approved by Health Canada: Hard-surface disinfectants
  • Ventilation. If there is mechanical ventilation, be sure to clean the filters. The doors of the place of worship could also be left open between services to allow ventilation. The INSPQ’s recommendations for ventilation in health care settings will be useful: Ventilation

Provide a hand-washing station at the entrance to the place of worship and make its use mandatory for all on arrival, under supervision.

  • Reminder: Hand washing with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds is preferred, antiseptic gel should only be used when these are not available. The composition of the gels must comply with public health standards.
  • Government published posters will be used:

Other restrictions we have noted:

  1. Masks should be worn by all.
  2. There should be no singing.
  3. There should be no passing of offering plates, communion, etc. and no serving of coffee, food etc.
  4. There should be no children’s services.
  5. Adults over 60 / 70 should be discouraged from attending.

Further recommendations:
Arrival and set up 

  • Groups are recommended to have guests register in advance; provides a clear indication of the anticipated number of guests while ensuring the capacity limit is adhered to.
  • Lead pastor and volunteers – no more than one hour in advance of guest arrival.
  • H&S measures and auditorium seating map to be shared with the group in advance of service and again upon arrival (hard copies).
  • Guest arrival time: staggered times to ensure social distancing is adhered to. Ex: 9:30 am service start, 10-12 guests arrive beginning at 9:00 am and stagger every 5 minutes (based on provincial guidelines, subject to change).
  • Guests are directed by volunteers from the church immediately to the auditorium, absolutely no congregating permitted.
  • Volunteers from the group are to direct guests to dedicated rows and seats based on the seating map provided. The church group is responsible for ensuring these guidelines are being adhered to throughout the duration of the service.
  • Families greater than two individuals who sit together are to ensure there are three seats on either side in the same row.


  • Upon completion of the service, volunteers are to assist with directing guests to the nearest exit, no congregating permitted.

Additional resources:

Reopening the Church (updated)

June 19th, 2020

50 people and less for indoor public places?

Many of you have heard the news, the government has agreed to allow the opening of the places of worship with a maximum of 50 people.

As members of the Réseau Évangélique du Québec, we are also part of the Interfaith committee that has been in consultation with the Health Minister. That committee has issued the following bulletin and we believe that the Health Minister will issue’s a similar policy.

May the same great God of the prophet Daniel accompany you and give you wisdom in the application of the laws.

I trust that you will hold tight to our Savior during these interesting times. – The anchor holds! Hebrews 6.


English manual

French manual

June 10th, 2020

Are we there yet?

Any parent who has ever gone on a trip with young kids (even not so young) has heard this question.

Well, the answer for churches is still NO.

However, as we do come closer to seeing some easing (NOT the removing) of the restrictions, we thought it prudent to release this manual to you.

What the manual does NOT cover:
Please note that the manual does NOT answer the questions:
1)     When can we return?
2)     How many people can be in our church at a time?
3)     What will the requirements be from the Quebec Government?

These questions are still unanswered. What we do know is that any return will be gradual and will have complications.

For example, in Ontario, churches (NOT Quebec) have been permitted to return at 30% capacity. Quebecchurches are to remain closed for now.

The questions and complications will involve deciding who the first few to return will be, and what needs to be done as they return.

The manual attempts to assist you in answering the second question – you will need to wrestle with the first.

Furthermore, we will send an addendum covering any additional requirements specific to Quebec, if and when the government provides the information.

What the manual does cover:
The manual provides some basic guidelines that can be applied across the provinces. As we receive more specifics for Quebec from our government, we will keep you informed.

Here is the index from the attached manual.

  • Before You Begin *
  • Getting Prepared *
  • Cleaning
  • Volunteers
  • Children’s Ministry
  • Additional Resources
  • Church Survey Sample *
  • Roberts Hall Insurance Covid Q&A *
  • Reopening Checklist (by Smart Church Solutions)
  • Facility Utilization

* Suggested reading – While the entire manual is worth a good read, these portions are of particular value.

I trust that you will hold tight to our Savior during these interesting times. – The anchor holds! Hebrews 6.


English manual

French manual

May 13th, 2020


We’ve had a few questions coming to our office, the title is one of them – here is a short response:

– Weddings –

Several churches have contacted the “Directeur de l’état civil” asking if they are allowed to perform weddings.
The general answer given is that weddings performed during this time will be considered legal.

However, does that mean that you can gather five or more people together?
The answer is “NO – but maybe”.

Each municipality and each local police force are responsible for applying and enforcing the regulations, AND they may have different opinions on what these regulations are and how they should be applied.

Our advice is to contact your local police (and or municipality) and ask them what they are allowing in your area and what they would allow in your building. – Be sure to get the name of the person giving you the information.

In some areas (outside of Montreal), police have allowed small groups of people to be in the church building at the same time, provided physical distancing is maintained.
In other areas, they have refused to allow anything more than three people.

You may also consider options such as an outdoor wedding. Again, it is important to consult your local police to see what would be permitted in your area.

– Funerals –

When it comes to funerals, the responsibility rests on the funeral home. Some funeral homes may allow small numbers of people. The number of people permitted may vary depending on their facility and the local municipality and police.

– Annual Business meetings –

Finally, the question has come back to us regarding Business meetings.
Our opinion remains the same – unless there are extenuating circumstances, we feel that churches should wait until there is a relaxing of the regulations before holding the ABM. I noted in an earlier email that both ourselves and lawyers feel that this is acceptable and we have had no indication from the CRA to the contrary.

While some churches have attempted online Business meetings, the legality of this is not clear. Furthermore, there are complications involved in voting and asking questions in an online meeting.

Clearly, we would all like to see things change – however, until they do, we need to do our best to abide by the recommendations coming from the government. From our office, we continue to monitor the situation and will keep you apprised of any changes we see.

I trust that you will hold tight to our Savior during these interesting times. – The anchor holds! Hebrews 6.


April 22nd, 2020


We are continuing to monitor the information regarding the government programs available to assist businesses (including Charities).

Here is the most recent information:

– Regarding Employment (Employees) –

There are currently two programs that could be interesting to the churches.

Here is a quick outline of what we know:

10% Temporary Wage Subsidy for Employers
10% of Federal tax portion of payroll

Churches can withhold 10% of the Federal tax portion of the regular Deductions At Source.

Here is a link for further information:

– Click link

CEWS – Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy
75 % of payroll

The application forms for this program will be available Monday, April 27.

The key things we’ve picked up are:

The program will provide a 75% wage subsidy to employers for up to 12 weeks going back to March 15.

The purpose of the program is:

  • To prevent job losses.
  • To rehire those laid off.
  • Allow companies to resume regular activity.

Who qualifies?

  • Those with 15% reduction of income in March 2020 compared to March 2019.
  • Those with 30% reduction of Income in April and May compared to the same months in 2019.


  • You must apply for the subsidy each month separately. (i.e. each month you must provide documentation of the 30% loss for that particular month).
  • The CRA will pay 75% of salaries, capped at $847 per week per employee. The employer must show they did their best to pay the other 25% (and if the employee makes more than $58,700 per year, presumably they are allowed to pay the full salary).
  • The government strongly recommends that anyone applying should also get set up with the CRA for direct deposit if they aren’t already, as that is the primary way they will be sending money to employers. This is something that you can do now.

Time Periods:

March 15 – April 11
April 12 – May 9
May 10 – June 6

  • If you qualify in one time period, you are deemed qualified for the next time period automatically.
  • There may be additional time periods added up until September 30.

Here is a link for further information:

– Click link

– Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) –

$40,000 loan 
This program would provide interest-free loans of up to $40,000.

Purpose of loan:

The loan is to help cover operating costs during a period where revenues have been temporarily reduced.

To qualify:

you will need to demonstrate that you paid at least $20,000 in total payroll in 2019 as well as meet the criteria for an approved Borrower.

There is some question on the eligibility of a religious organization in this program. Currently, the wording indicates that a “…charitable, religious…organization…” will need to provide evidence that it “…generates a portion of its revenue from the sales of goods or services…”

While there is no definition of what “a portion” is, in my opinion, churches will have to prove that there is revenue from sales or services of some kind.

The important part in considering this loan program is that an approved borrower that repays the balance of the loan on or before December 31, 2022, will result in loan forgiveness of 25 percent (up to $10,000).

How to apply:

You will need to contact your financial institution to apply for the loan.

– Click link to know more.

I trust that you will hold tight to our Savior during these interesting times. – The anchor holds! Hebrews 6.


April 6th, 2020

Annual business meeting… What to do!

My Fellow Pastors,

I have had several questions asking if the church should hold the annual business meeting.

After communicating with the other Districts and also lawyers, the consensus is to wait. These are extraordinary circumstances, and we believe that the temporary delay is reasonable.

In the meantime, if there were board members whose terms were ending, we recommend that a board resolution be adopted, extending the mandate until the business meeting is held. You can hold a board meeting by phone or online.

I trust that you and your families are keeping well. Together we look to Him as we navigate uncharted waters.


April 2nd, 2020


– Employee benefits programs –

Thank you to all of you who continue to be faithful in your tithing to the District.
We are certainly living in interesting days, and we are praying for each of you as we navigate these waters together.

Some of you have asked about the method for tithing — can you continue to send cheques etc. The answer is YES, please continue to do use whatever method of giving you have used in the past. The District continues to receive mail, online giving and direct deposits.

Many of you are asking about the programs available from the government to assist businesses (including Charities). The details are coming from the government slowly. However, due to the number of requests for information I have received, I will share with you what we know so far.

– Regarding Employment (Employees) –

There are currently three programs that could be interesting to the churches.
Here is a quick outline of what we know — thanks to those helping me compile information. We will continue to keep you up to date as information becomes available.

Receive 75 % of payroll 
This program is NOT yet available but should come online in 3-6 weeks.

The key things we’ve picked up are: 

  1. All organizations that show a loss of 30% or more in revenue compared to the same month in 2019 qualify (March–May).
  2. If you do not have a 30%+ loss, and you have less than 18 employees, then the 10% subsidy will still apply to you (and you can withhold paying the CRA federal tax remittances up to Dec. 2019 to reclaim the 10%).
  3. For those who do have a loss of at least 30%:
    a.  They must apply for the subsidy each month separately (ie. each month they have to provide documentation of the 30% loss for that particular month).
    b. The CRA will pay 75% of salary, capped at $847/wk. The employer must show they did their best to pay the other 25% (and if the employee makes more than $58,700 per year, presumably they are allowed to pay the full salary)
    c.  The portal to submit monthly applications will be launched on the CRA – Revenu Canada Portal within the next 3-6 weeks, and they will get money out after that ASAP.
    d. They strongly recommended that anyone applying should also get set up with the CRA for direct deposit if they aren’t already, as that is the primary way they will be sending money to employers. This is something that could be done while people are waiting for the portal to open.

It seems that parliament will have to re-open to approve this program. That means there could potentially be some changes made.

This should be the best program for churches to keep staff right now, as long as they’re sure that their revenue will drop by 30%.

Here are some links for further information
– Click link 1 
– Click link 2 (This page is only available in English)

Canada Emergency Response Benefit ($2000 for employees)
This program is for individuals who have lost their jobs or have been laid off
– Click link

Temporary Layoffs and employees collect EI 
This is the standard EI program. However, you could register for the Supplementary program if you would like to “top up” your employees’ EI benefits during a temporary layoff.
– Click link

You can add EI subprogram
– Click link (This page is only available in English)

I trust that you will hold tight to our Savior during these interesting times. – The anchor holds! Hebrews 6.


March 30th, 2020

Considering layoffs — Please wait.

Dear friends,

I’m sending this out ahead of time and without all the information because I want to encourage any church that has considered laying off staff to wait.

Today Prime Minister Trudeau promises that the 75% wage subsidy for businesses would extend to non-profits and charities.

We are continuing to gather information and will give you more information as it becomes available. In my next email, I hope to outline the financial assistance that is available to churches and, in particular, the options for dealing with payroll and staff.

One positive that I can mention is regarding our Group insurance – here is the announcement from Kechnie Insurance:

Group Insurance:

  • PREMIUM HOLIDAY – your premiums for Health, Dental & Vision (where applicable) will not be billed for the month of April, which represents approximately 70% of the cost of your program.
  • POOLED PREMIUMS – will only be billed for Life/Dependent Life/LTD – Long Term Disability/CI – Critical Illness, which ensures that we do not disrupt any payroll setting, as these premiums have taxable consequences.  These premiums represent approximately 30% of the cost of your program.

I trust that you will hold tight to our Savior during these interesting times.
– The anchor holds! Hebrews 6.


March 25th, 2020

– All district activities scheduled until May 31 have been cancelled or postponed.
– Following the government’s recommendations, the District of Quebec offices are closed until April 13.
– We remain at your disposal via our social networks and the following email:

March 24th, 2020

Recently I have had some questions about resources available to our churches and in particular about ONLINE GIVING.

The following is by no means exhaustive – but it may help.

Online giving:
While I am not an expert and cannot say what is best for your particular situation, here is some information that I trust will be helpful.

Here are a few of the services out their, listed in no particular order. There are also others.

These two will do tax receipts for you:


  • Square also offers both in person and online payments with credit and debit cards.

In my experience Canada Helps is the fastest to setup – but not cheapest.
PayPal is the best value.
And Square allows you to take credit cards in person by swiping.

For other church resources 

I would recommend a look at:

March 19th, 2020

Important release: COVID-19

Dear credential holders,

A month ago, it would have been hard to imagine that our province and our country would take extreme measures in the midst of the COVID-19 WORLD PANDEMIC. As we watch the increase in reported cases day after day, our government leaders are asking us to join in an effort to “smooth the curve” in the spread of this disease.
Reactions to this crisis have been mixed. Some believe it is an overreaction; others believe more needs to be done.

Paul, John and I will be contacting you by phone to check in on you and, together, to find the best way to support one another during this unprecedented situation. We recognize that, as leaders, you are in the best position to make decisions that are appropriate to your local context.

1. No public gatherings

The Public Health Agency of Canada National Director recommends the following: With regard to places of worship, all religious gatherings of any denomination should ideally be suspended, unless they are essential. In this case, social distancing should be observed.
( )

Because of these guidelines and the fact that many of our congregations have a number of older people, we recommend that churches close all services and gatherings until further notice.
The District leadership also recommends that there should be no small group gatherings. However, if they are absolutely necessary, they should be very brief and follow the public health guidelines of the two-meter social distancing.

2. Encourage other ways of celebrating

If you have the technology, organize online services such as Facebook Live or video.

Encourage your congregation to organize family worship times. Family worship was once a common practice among Christian families throughout the week, even with participation in Sunday worship.

3. Keep in touch with your congregation

Take this opportunity to call, email or send social media messages to your congregation. This will reassure and encourage people. Take this opportunity to pray with them.

4. Postpone annual members meetings

If you have not yet had your annual business meeting, wait until public meetings are allowed again.

5. Set up online giving

Now is the time to set up other ways to give. There are different ways to donate, such as Canadahelps, PayPal, etc.

6. Reach out to the elderly

This is a good time to offer service to the elderly in your church and community who may need help with shopping and other needs.

7. A call to prayer

Finally, let us call our congregations to pray for the wisdom of government authorities, both federal and provincial, who are leading us through this difficult time. Let us also pray for our front-line health care workers who are sacrificing themselves to serve us in this health crisis.

Let us lead our assemblies calmly and confidently, knowing our God. Let us be responsible Christians who care for those around us with love and sacrificial concern.

Knowing that his friends would soon be confronted with unprecedented difficulties, Jesus said in John 14.27: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

May the peace and wisdom of Christ fill your hearts at this time as you lead your congregation in this unique season.

If we can be of help in any way, do not hesitate to contact us.

In Christ,

March 14th, 2020

Reminder of copyright standards

We are aware that a number of churches have chosen to cancel services. Some of these will turn to video broadcasting online through various means.
We would like to remind you that it is a copyright violation to broadcast music performances if you do not have the performances rights (license) this includes your worship service. If you chose to broadcast the worship you MUST have the licensed rights to do so. Exceptions to this are for some of the older hymns where copyrights have expired due to age or song that you own people have written.

March 12th, 2020

To avoid a situation similar to that of Italy, one of the countries most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Legault government has just issued new procedures to be followed (article link).
The Quebec District wishes to apply these measures and we urge you to do the same.

– They ask organizers to cancel all events that may attract crowds of more than 250 people and to do the same for all other large gatherings that are not considered essential.
– They also encourage all those returning from a trip abroad to isolate themselves for 14 days.
– They advise people to stay home and call 811 if they detect the following symptoms: fever, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing or chest pain, severe diarrhea or vomiting, and unusually severe fatigue.

One of our churches has already taken action by communicating the following message (shortened) to its congregation:

Just a quick note to let you know that the leadership team is following the current coronavirus situation with great attention. The situation is changing rapidly and has just moved to a new level.
Here is a simple summary:

1) Anyone who has travelled outside the country within the last 14 days, even without symptoms, is invited to remain voluntarily isolated at home for 14 days (please refer to the attached document).

2) Anyone who has travelled out of the country within the last 14 days and who has flu-like symptoms should call 811.

Those who have not travelled out of the country and who are not sick are obviously welcome to attend our meetings. We will have hand sanitizers available for you and we will have fraternal hugs from a distance, but the heart and good mood will be there for sure!

Please know that as a church we believe it is important to comply with these recommendations, not out of fear or paranoia, but out of sincere concern to do what is right in the face of the current situation. We will keep you informed of any changes. Thank you for your cooperation and prayers.

Hoping to have answered most of your questions, do not hesitate to call 811 for more information.

By calling 811, you will know where to go to get tested and what instructions to follow.
Stay in isolation at home until the test result is returned.
(Please refer to the attached very well done document).

We exist to provide support, vision and training to leaders in our churches

and to facilitate the proclamation of the Gospel.