Why We Exist
The District of Quebec is a fellowship of over 100 churches holding services in French, English, and other languages throughout the Province of Quebec. We exist to facilitate the proclamation of the Gospel and to provide support, vision and training to leaders in our churches. Because of this relational approach, we are committed to the following values:
- Authentic relationships that are transparent, where leaders are caring for one and another and developing friendships.
- Inspiring leadership that is Holy Spirit directed, sound, trustworthy, and intentional in all its actions and decisions.
- Healthy churches that are Christ-centered with people that love each other and focus their efforts to reach their community.
- Healthy pastors and leaders – in body, soul and spirit.
- An effective ministry that is people-focused, creative and relevant in its approach.
- A passionate relationship with God that is consistent, always growing and life-changing.
- Involvement in missions at the local, national and international levels in order to respond to Christ’s commandment to make disciples of all nations.

We exist to provide support, vision and training to leaders in our churches
and to facilitate the proclamation of the Gospel.