Leadership Team

Michel Bisaillon
Michel BisaillonSuperintendent
Paul Tétreault
Paul TétreaultAssistant to the Superintendent
John Ippolito
John IppolitoSecretary-Treasurer
Kyvenz Amédée
Kyvenz Amédée
Joseph Friedland
Joseph Friedland
Guy Gosselin
Guy Gosselin
Jean-Frédéric Laroche
Jean-Frédéric Laroche
Reggie Neeposh
Reggie Neeposh
Pauline Richard
Pauline Richard

Supporting Team

Executive Officers

Michel Bisaillon
Michel BisaillonSuperintendent
Paul Tétreault
Paul TétreaultAssistant to the Superintendent
John Ippolito
John IppolitoSecretary-Treasurer

Directors & Administrative Staff

Annie Corriveau
Annie CorriveauChildren's Ministries Coordinator
Anne Yank
Anne YankWomen of Vision Director
Richard Swiatek
Richard SwiatekMen of Honour Director
Désiré Yankey
Désiré YankeyParadox Director
Roxanne Lachapelle
Roxanne LachapelleAdministrative Assistant working with the Superintendent and Secretary-Treasurer
Shari Deacken
Shari DeackenAdministrative Assistant to the Assistant to the Superintendent
Pricile De Lacroix
Pricile De LacroixAdministrative Assistant - Paradox
Patrice Beaudoin
Patrice BeaudoinBookkeeper
Pricile De Lacroix
Pricile De LacroixTranslation Coordinator

Coordinators & Consultants

Reggie Neeposh
Reggie NeeposhCo-Leader of the Native Council
Pierre Bergeron
Pierre BergeronLeadership & Mentoring Consultant

We exist to provide support, vision and training to leaders in our churches

and to facilitate the proclamation of the Gospel.