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A one-day Bilingual and for all ministry workers in Quebec!

When we truly centre ourselves on Christ, a remarkable transformation begins. We start to think like Him, speak like Him, and act like Him, gradually becoming more like the person we aspire to be. By centring ourselves on His mission, we become healthy churches made up of people who love one another and focus their efforts on reaching their community.

Come and join us for this time of alignment, unity! Spread the word; registration closes on October 7, 2024.

* Meal included
** Free for those under 30 and students of the Institut Biblique du Québec (IBQ).


  • Doors open at 9:30 am
  • Registration (online before the deadline)
  • Coffee break & exchange time
  • Word of our superintendent: Michel Bisaillon
  • Worship
  • Session 1: Plenary with Mike Voll
  • Lunch break (meal included)
  • Worship
  • Session 2: Plenary with Mike Voll
  • Break
  • Session 3: A word from Paul Fraser and Q&A with our panellists: Nelson Beaudry, Katy Brunet, Laurent Fabregues, Philippe Joret
  • Prayer time and closing

To download the detailed schedule, CLICK HERE.

Main Speaker: Mike Voll

A Western Canadian to the core, Mike has lived in all of the four western provinces at some point in his life. His parents came to faith in a radical way when he was about five years old. Nominal Catholics, they believed in God and Jesus, but didn’t know that a close relationship could be had with Him.

When their eyes were opened to the love of Jesus, through various people and circumstances, everything changed almost overnight. They prayed before meals and at bedtime. They started doing “devotionals” as a family, and began attending a Pentecostal church in Melville, Saskatchewan. This was a pretty radical departure from what they had been used to! It’s in one of these family devotional times that Mike realized Jesus loved him and he chose to follow Him.

It was faith in its infancy, and by the time he was twelve years old, he knew that he had to make a decision to either “take up his cross and follow Jesus” or live life on his own terms. By God’s grace, he was compelled to follow Jesus. He got baptized and actively pursued the fullness of the Holy Spirit in his life on a daily basis. Within a few years, he started to sense that God had plans for his life that were different than his own. He tried running away, pretending that he couldn’t hear the voice of God, but eventually gave up his desire to control his own destiny and handed his future over to God’s will. This led him to Bible College and eventually into pastoral life as the Youth Pastor at Broadway Church in Vancouver, British Columbia.

After the tragic loss of his first wife Sheri, in a car accident in 2001, he eventually moved to Edmonton, Alberta to get married to Melissa, in December of 2004. Not long afterwards, he started as Associate Pastor at North Pointe Community Church. After serving in that role for 14 years, he became the Lead Pastor in March of 2019.

He loves being able to work with people of all ages, inspiring and encouraging people towards Real Hope, New Life and Lasting Purpose through a relationship with Jesus Christ. He is blessed to work with an exceptional team of talented, hard-working pastors and support staff. It is exciting to see people come to faith in Jesus, get baptized, and start to walk in Jesus’ steps. Saying “yes” to the call of God in his life is the best decision he has ever made, and he wants to help others make that same decision.

He currently volunteers on the board of several Christian organizations, speaks at various conferences and retreats, and is doing his best to hear the voice of God for the direction of North Pointe Community Church.

Melissa and their two children, Aubri and Zane, are the love of his life. In his downtime, he enjoys weight training, golf and tennis. He periodically drinks too much coffee and eats too much steak for his own good.